Veneers Keller TX

Taking the Next Step in Your Smile Transformation


Why Choose Ridgepoint Dental Keller for Veneers?


Natural-Looking Veneers for a Lifelike Appearance


Caring and Qualified Professionals


Long-Lasting Solution for an Improved Smile


What are Veneers?

Veneers are custom-made porcelain sheaths that are attached to the front surfaces of your teeth. They are made from a durable material that looks and feels natural, matching your desired shape, style, and color. You have the flexibility to choose how many teeth you want to cover, as veneers offer a versatile cosmetic solution. The process involves two appointments and with proper care, they can last for over a decade.

Who is a Good Candidate for Veneers?

Individuals experiencing any of the following issues may qualify for veneers:

Chipped/Cracked Teeth


“Short” or “Stubby” Teeth

Minor Misalignments

Minor Gaps Between Teeth

To determine if you are a suitable candidate for treatment, it is necessary to schedule a consultation with Dr. Shallu. During this consultation, she will assess your teeth and identify the imperfections that can be effectively concealed with veneers. After devising a personalized treatment plan, she will take impressions of your teeth and send them to a nearby dental lab. Skilled technicians at the lab will then commence the creation of your customized veneers.

What is the Process for Receiving Veneers?

Once your cosmetic dentist in Keller approves you for veneers, a small amount of tooth enamel will be removed from the surface of each tooth that will receive a veneer. This step is necessary to ensure that the restoration lays flat and adheres properly to your tooth when it is bonded. Afterward, impressions will be taken and sent to lab technicians who will create your customized cosmetic restorations. In the meantime, you will be provided with temporary veneers to wear.

After a few weeks, you will return to have your temporary veneers removed and your permanent ones placed. Your dentist will carefully position each veneer, ensuring that it looks completely natural and effectively covers any imperfections. Once a final polish is done, you will be able to leave and begin enjoying your enhanced smile.


The Benefits of Veneers

If you decide to opt for veneers to conceal your chips, cracks, gaps, and stains, you can anticipate numerous advantages, including:

Enhanced looks and increased self-assurance

An authentic-looking restoration that avoids an exaggerated or artificial appearance.

You have the choice to opt for a less invasive treatment approach instead of dental crowns, which involve more modification of your natural teeth.

Our veneers offer enhanced durability and are highly resistant to stains compared to natural tooth enamel.

With proper care, these restorations can endure for a decade or even longer.