Dentures Keller TX

Enhance Your Smile with High-Quality Replacement Teeth

Did you know that there are 120 million adults in the United States who are missing at least one tooth? If you have experienced tooth loss, you are not alone. In fact, there are approximately 36 million people who have lost all of their natural teeth. However, losing teeth does not mean that you cannot bite, chew, laugh, or smile confidently. At Ridgepoint Dental Keller, we offer top-tier dentures in Keller to give our patients the opportunity to fully utilize their teeth once again. Are you ready to restore your complete smile? Contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Shallu today!

Why Choose Ridgepoint Dental Keller for Dentures?


Compassionate, Experienced Dental Team


Personalized, High-Quality Restorations


In-House Implant Placement Available

a good candidate for dentures in Keller, TX

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

If a person is missing some or all of their teeth, they are usually a suitable candidate for dentures in Keller. Dentures are custom-made prosthetics that look natural and allow individuals to have a functional bite. To determine eligibility for this treatment, our team will assess your oral health during an initial consultation. This article will discuss the effects of missing teeth, the qualities of a good denture candidate, and alternative solutions for restoring your smile.
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Effects of Missing Teeth


Tooth loss can occur due to various complications. The most common reasons include tooth decay, gum disease, poor oral hygiene routine, and accidental physical injury. Regardless of how you’ve lost your pearly whites, you’ll want to replace them as soon as possible. Not only will you want to show off a full smile and avoid feeling self-conscious about your missing teeth, but you’ll also want to prevent further issues from dental loss.

If you lack some or all of your tooth roots, your jawbone will begin to deteriorate and weaken. Not only can this make you appear older than you are, but any other remaining teeth can start to shift out of place or fall out later on. Additionally, you’ll have a more difficult time with daily tasks such as eating comfortably, speaking clearly, and smiling confidently.

What Qualifies You for Dentures?


Those who are missing teeth are generally eligible for dentures. This treatment is also beneficial to people who are struggling with extremely sensitive teeth and decay. For the prosthetics to work, our team will need to ensure that your gums are healthy and that your jawbone density is sufficient. You’ll also have to be committed to implementing good oral hygiene habits, as you’ll want to keep your mouth in pristine condition for your dentures to be effective.

The number of teeth that you’re missing will determine the kind of prosthetic you’ll receive. For several missing pearly whites, you can get a partial denture. For an entire arch, full dentures are the ideal solution. You might even consider implant dentures for a more stable foundation.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

If dentures aren’t on the table for you, then you can explore alternative tooth-replacement options, such as:

Dental bridges – These restorations are reserved for those missing one or several teeth in a row. They generally consist of two crowns that are fitted to the natural teeth on either side of the gap. This treatment involves removing some of your enamel to place the bridge.

Dental implants – By embedding titanium posts into your jawbone, you can enjoy superior stability for your restorations, allowing you to enjoy a lifelike bite without worrying about your new teeth moving out of place. Though this treatment has a higher value, the results can last a lifetime with proper care.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

What Is a Full Denture?

Patients who have lost all their teeth in one arch can benefit from a full denture. This type of denture is made up of acrylic teeth that are attached to a base that resembles the color of gums. With these materials, dentures can closely resemble natural teeth. Unlike older versions, modern full dentures rely on natural suction to stay in place on the gums. However, some individuals may still prefer to use denture adhesives for extra stability.
Partial Dentures Keller

What Is a Partial Denture?

If you have some remaining natural teeth in your arch, you might consider replacing your missing teeth with a partial denture. This personalized restoration connects to your existing teeth using metal or plastic clasps and seamlessly fits into your smile. By doing so, it prevents your remaining teeth from shifting. Similar to full dentures, partial dentures consist of an acrylic gum base and durable teeth that appear natural.
Benefits of Dentures

What Are the Benefits of Dentures?

Having weak teeth can make everyday tasks seem impossible. Well-fitting dentures enable you to bite, chew, and enjoy a wider variety of foods that would otherwise be difficult to consume. Properly fitting dentures also allow you to make healthier dietary choices and feel more confident in your appearance when speaking and smiling. Regardless of your dental condition, we will create dentures that are customized to give you a beautiful smile.
benefits of implant dentures

What Are the Benefits of Implant Dentures?

Consider attaching your dentures to dental implants, which function as tooth roots. These posts are surgically placed in the jawbone, offering enhanced stability and biting force compared to regular dentures. With implant dentures, you can enjoy the confidence of firmly anchored replacement teeth that won't slip or come out. This means you can comfortably eat a wide variety of foods with the majority of your original biting strength.
cost of dentures

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Although there are rough estimates available online for the cost of dentures, the actual price you will pay depends on your individual circumstances. Additionally, the cost of dentures in Keller is influenced by various factors, including insurance coverage. Therefore, it is impossible for us to provide a quote until Dr. Shallu has assessed your mouth and created a personalized treatment plan. Below, you will find information about denture costs that you need to be aware of.
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Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures

When you meet with your denture dentist in Keller for a consultation, you’ll learn about the three main factors that will influence the price of your dentures:

Preparations – Some patients must undergo certain procedures, such as tooth extractions, before their mouths are ready for dentures. These treatments will increase your overall costs.

Base – The gum-colored base of the denture can be made from various materials. It’s important to choose one that is comfortable yet durable.

Replacement teeth – Similarly, the material of your artificial teeth affects the cost. Keep in mind that the cheapest solution is not always the best one. You want your new smile to be high-quality!

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

With implant dentures, you’ll have to pay for implant posts as well as their surgical placement in addition to the denture itself. As a result, implant dentures do cost more than traditional dentures. However, implant dentures are well worth the higher price because they:

Will never slip around or fall out

Restore much more chewing power

Look and feel almost exactly like real teeth

Have the potential to last a lifetime compared to the five- to seven-year average lifespan of traditional prosthetics

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?


Luckily, dentures are likely to be at least partially covered by most dental insurance plans. Your exact amount of coverage will vary based on your plan, but dentures are often covered at around 50%.

Here at Ridgepoint Dental Keller, we are in-network with most of the nation’s leading PPO dental insurance plans. We’ll be more than happy to look over your plan and help you maximize your benefits, even if your plan is out-of-network.

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable


Of course, we also have non-insurance ways of making dentures in Keller affordable. For one, we can help you apply for a monthly payment plan via CareCredit or Lending Club. These plans, many of which have extremely low interest rates, are designed to fit into practically anyone’s budget. As an alternative to insurance, our in-house savings plan can reduce your out-of-pocket expenses for many types of dental care, not just dentures.

Feel free to get in touch with our team today to find out how you can afford to rebuild your smile!

dentures related questions

Dentures FAQs

At Ridgepoint Dental Keller, our aim is to boost your self-assurance in your appearance. Tooth loss can lead to difficulties in eating and speaking, as well as feelings of embarrassment in social situations. Thankfully, with dentures in Keller, you can regain your oral health and confidence! Regardless of where you are in your journey towards a healthier and more beautiful smile, we understand that you may have numerous questions. To address some of the most frequently asked questions by our patients, we have provided a list below. If you don't find the answer to your specific question, please don't hesitate to reach out to our office for further assistance.
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Should I have all my teeth pulled to get dentures?

You will find that most dentists will always attempt to save a damaged tooth before resorting to an extraction. Only in cases where the tooth cannot be salvaged will we recommend removal. For example, if decay, infection, or serious trauma has occurred and no amount of treatment can save it, Dr. Shallu will likely recommend extraction. If all your teeth in the upper or lower arch are decayed or infected with gum disease, choosing dentures may be the appropriate and more cost-effective option as opposed to dental crowns.

It’s important to remember that there is no limit as to how many teeth can be removed during one appointment, but your dentist may find that some are much more difficult than others. No matter your situation, Dr. Shallu will go over all your available options before resorting to extractions for dentures.

Can I sleep with my dentures?

It is strongly recommended that you remove your dentures before going to bed. The reason is that your gums and bone need to breathe while you sleep. Because you wear your dentures throughout the day, the pressure applied to your gums can cause restriction and soft tissue irritation over time. As a result, this can lead to ridge resorption. Removing your dentures at night and soaking them in a cleaning solution not only allows your gums to recover, but it also keeps your dentures moist, reducing the chance of breakage because of dryness.

Also, if you wear your dentures while you sleep, you increase your risk for gum disease because of plaque that can grow and spread beneath your prosthetic.

Can dentures reduce life expectancy?

Anyone can experience tooth loss, no matter the age. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, an estimated 66% of adults between the ages of 40-64 are missing at least one tooth compared to only 33% of those ages 20-39. By these figures, most individuals with a full or partial denture are over the age of 40. In fact, the American Dental Association took a census that revealed close to 57% of people ages 65-74 wear a full or partial denture. While it true that the risk for tooth loss increases with age, virtually any adult can wear a denture if faced with tooth loss.

What is the average age for dentures?

Anyone can experience tooth loss, no matter the age. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, an estimated 66% of adults between the ages of 40-64 are missing at least one tooth compared to only 33% of those ages 20-39. By these figures, most individuals with a full or partial denture are over the age of 40. In fact, the American Dental Association took a census that revealed close to 57% of people ages 65-74 wear a full or partial denture. While it true that the risk for tooth loss increases with age, virtually any adult can wear a denture if faced with tooth loss.

Can dentures reduce life expectancy?

Unfortunately, much research has found that wearing dentures can reduce life expectancy by 10 years. The reason is that, unlike dental implants that mimic the natural tooth structure from root to crown and can stimulate the jawbone, dentures offer no increased stimulation to this area. As a result, you may experience a loss of bite force, making it more difficult to eat healthier foods that can provide the nutrients your body needs. If you are considering the choice between dentures or dental implants, talk to your denture dentist in Keller about which solution might be better for your individual needs.